INN's Website Revamp for Independent Journalism

UX/UI Design

Client: Institute for Nonprofit News (INN)

Agency: Do Big Things

Team Role: Lead Designer

INN, a network of over 425 independent, nonpartisan news organizations in North America, is dedicated to providing high-quality journalism as a public service. As the lead designer on their website redesign, my objective was to clarify their identity and mission, while simultaneously enhancing the user experience.


Stakeholder interviews revealed a key insight: INN's 'largest audience is people trying to figure out what INN is.' I aimed to create a user experience that distinguished INN as a network of media services rather than a broadcasting entity. This led to the strategic design of entry points that allowed easy access to diverse content and services, particularly for users not landing on the homepage initially.

Post-it notes from a brainstorming session about site content. They include notes like: Sort option, Headline and Mission Statement'. Stacked screenshots form a UX presentation deck showing users, a sitemap and UX discoveries

Retaining INN's original logo and color scheme, I enriched their visual language with a grid pattern and additional tones to ensure that the site met accessibility contrast guidelines. The challenge lay in transforming a site heavy with data and information into one that was visually compelling.

The UX/design process is shown though the client's initial mockup sketch, my wireframe and the final designa Before & After view of the old site next to the new design

The redesign effectively resolved previous site issues, offering a streamlined experience and a layout that reflects INN's dedication to a diverse public service media community.

Hand holding mobile phone with INN's site showing
Hand-held tablet showing INN's site on a white desk
Laptop showing INN's website
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