Democracy in Data: Bringing Georgia Alliance for Progress's Yearly Achievements to Life

Art Direction & Design
The Georgia Alliance for Progress is a coalition of donors, funders, and organizers focused on the strategic and financial health of Georgia's progressive movement. They envision a Georgia that is healthy and just, with shared economic success and security, access to high-quality public education, and a democracy that works for all. They believe that all those who advocate for women's rights, racial equity, economic and criminal justice reform, immigrant and workers' rights, environmental protection, free and fair elections, and full access to democracy are only able to win big when they work together.

The task with the Georgia Alliance was to bring their annual achievements to life through End of Year reports. Their mission, centered around building a racially just democracy in Georgia, demanded a presentation that was as strategic and impactful as their work. The challenge was to make these reports — one political and one non-political — not only informative but visually compelling, ensuring they engage and resonate with a diverse network of donors, partners, and community members.

By leveraging the organization's existing branding in a fresh way, I crafted two versions of the End of Year reports. Each report, while dense with statistics and information, was laid out in an engaging, reader-friendly format. The integration of graphical elements like pie charts was done meticulously, ensuring that the data was not only accessible but also visually appealing. This approach transformed the potentially dry content into a dynamic narrative of the organization's yearly progress.

These reports serve as a crucial tool for the Georgia Alliance for Progress, showcasing their yearly impact and progress in a format that's far from mundane. By turning complex data and lengthy content into engaging visual stories, the reports have become more than just informational documents — they are a testament to the organization's commitment and achievements. Their presentation ensures that the important work they do is both recognized and appreciated by their audience.

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